Best Three Alternatives to Traditional High School

The three best alternatives to a traditional high school experience for students include homeschooling, unschooling, and microschooling. Above all, these alternatives are different from the traditional high school. These opportunities put the child at the center of their own learning plan.

Traditional high schools (public or private) are drowning in problems that have existed for years. For instance, there is a lack of accountability, discipline, and respect from school communities around the country towards administration and teachers. The educational system was created for a one-size-fits-all, standardized mill. Students are tracked on attendance and seat time, and social promotion is the norm. There is no real accountability to increase student achievement. Many teachers in traditional schools are disengaged. They report being underpaid, overworked, and pulled into overcrowded classrooms overrun by students that misbehave.

In 1991, legislation was passed to create public charter schools. These schools were supposed to innovate and share best practices with other schools. Charter schools were given the freedom and flexibility to operate in exchange for high accountability to increase student achievement. Just 30 years later, many of these mission focused public charter schools have turned into nothing more than a carbon copy of the traditional public school system with the same problems.

The best alternative for many families is to break away from the standardized one-size-fits-all public, private, and charter school educational models.  Move your child towards more personalized learner centered models such as homeschooling, unschooling, and microschooling.


Parents opt out of compulsory school attendance through the traditional public, private, or charter school educational options. Instead, parents teach their children at home. The formal movement began in the 1970s and is legal in all 50 states. In general, the parent puts together a curriculum following the requirements of the traditional educational system, and the parent is responsible for teaching their child and issuing a transcript and diploma. Many parents find this manageable when the child is younger but find it more challenging when students reach high school.


Unschooling is a form of homeschooling. Simply put, unschooling rejects the traditional educational system as a preferred alternative that focuses on their child’s motivation, needs, goals, passions, and interests. Unschooling personalizes a plan for each child around a learner-centered approach engaging students in meaningful activities. Some of the more popular practices and methods used by unschoolers include self-directed learning, individualized education, experiential learning, freedom and flexibility, and trust in the student’s natural development. 


Microschools are independent pods of learning and are referred to as the “mid-point” between traditional schooling and homeschooling. The schools range from programs led by homeschool parents to more formal businesses models. Many of the formal schools offer instruction and tutoring along with a place to convene for classroom support, seminars, advising, and guidance. The locations where microschoolers meet may include homes, libraries, community centers, meeting rooms, business offices, etc. The movement is relatively new with some of the earliest microschools starting around 2018 and is growing.

In conclusion, start exploring alternatives to traditional high school to further the experience of getting ready for college or careers.

Best Alternatives to Traditional High School