WHAT IS mySTEP Institute?

The Institute is designed as a private consulting company that provides membership services for teenagers to graduate high school. Membership services start with the development of a personalized learning plan customized to meet learner needs, goals, and interests. Members are provided support services, high school course sequencing, college into career pathway guidance, college and career interest and planning resources, and experiential learning opportunities that allow for meaningful connection to others in a unique environment. 

Members are empowered to discover the benefits of a personalized learning plan. As a result, they find increased freedom and flexibility through educational and career pathways. To sum up, this allows them to explore the passion that makes learning purposeful and engaging.

We are a leading company in Nevada that specializes in designing plans for students to graduate high school. At the same time, members have optional access to accredited NCAA® approved high school courses as well as real college classes.  Above all, students can differentiate themselves from their peers in the traditional school setting.

what we believe

At mySTEP Institute, we believe EVERY student deserves the best.

  • We believe that empowerment fosters ownership and independence.
  • We believe that experiences make learning meaningful and relevant.
  • We believe that engagement nurtures growth and personal connections.
Tailored Experiences
We believe that
experiences make learning meaningful and relevant.
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Student Engagement
We believe that
engagement nurtures growth and personal connections.
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At mySTEP Institute, we advise students on their next steps towards high school graduation with access to take college or high school classes in a personalized, enriched, and flexible learning environment.

a proven process

supported by a reliable model